And the Lord spoke to Manasseh and to his people, but they would not hearken. II Chronicles 33:10

While I'm extremely grateful to be an American, I honestly don't think we teach humbleness well at all. We speak often of being proud of our country, proud of our heritage, proud of our children and proud of our accomplishments. 

Pride is an emotion that seems most often elicited by actions. Well-pleased speaks more to the character behind the decisions. God didn't say He was proud of Jesus at his baptism, but that He was well-pleased with Jesus, His Son. 

Manasseh inherited the throne from his Godly father Hezekiah at the age of 12. The Bible is very specific about his evil deeds and leadership, saying he was worse than the heathen nations God destroyed. And we are told that when the Lord spoke to Manasseh and the people to warn them, they didn't listen.

Praise God, in vs. 12 - 13 we are told that in captivity and suffering, Manasseh prayed and humbled himself to God, and God heard him and returned him to Jerusalem. And Manasseh began to set things right with God. But I can't help but think about the pain and destruction that could've been avoided had Manasseh listened when God spoke. 

Are we listening, America? Are we listening, church? 

Lori C.


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