Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Psalm 51:12

From October to March, my son Caleb practiced basketball three times a week at the same facility in Bethany. For the first few months, if someone else was taking him, I had no idea how to tell them to get to the gym. Why? Because I just turned when my GPS told me to, and that always worked. 

I think most of us have experienced arriving at point B from point A, only to discover we don't really remember the details of the journey. All that we had to do to reach the destination was be willing to go.

In Psalm 51, David asked God to do a lot of moving in his life. This is David's prayer of repentance after being confronted by the prophet Nathan of his sin. Some of these requests are for God to wash, purge, blot out, make, create, renew, restore, uphold and deliver. How wise of King David to realize that his actions lead to devastation, and only God's actions could bring revival to his life. We are also reminded in this passage in verse 17 that God will not despise a broken and contrite heart. 

We serve a God of action. I find that extremely exciting. In fact, sometimes I get so excited that I want to do more than just be willing to follow God's action. Thinking I have His next move figured out, I tend to jump in and move for God instead of with Him. That never really works out well for me. 

When revival is happening in me, God is moving to restore the joy of my salvation, restore our communion, restore life. And all I need to do is be willing to take the journey. 

Lori C. 

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