Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way: I Samuel 12:23

I was ready. I had studied and knew exactly which bills I supported, which I didn't, and why. Joe and I had six appointments that day at the state capitol, and I was prepared to inform these senators and representatives on why they should support our position. 

It turned out that my information and ideas were the least significant part of our meetings. When we would wrap up, Joe would ask the legislator if we could pray for him or her. Regardless of whether we saw eye-to-eye, every single one welcomed the time of prayer, stepping out from behind their desks and joining hands with us as Joe prayed God would guide them and grant them wisdom and strength to make difficult decisions. 

In I Samuel chapter 12, Samuel is addressing the Israelites after they had chosen to be like other nations and selected Saul as their king. Once Samuel had explained the error of the people's ways, he told them in verse 14, "If ye will fear the Lord, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the Lord, then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the Lord your God:"

So interesting. The charge to keep the nation in God's will is not to the king, but to the people. If they will fear, serve and obey the Lord and not rebel, then they AND their king will follow God. In verse 23, Samuel tells them that if he ceases to pray for the people, he will be committing sin against God.

There is so much wisdom for me to learn in chapter 12. The direction of our nation is not dependent upon who is "king" but the prayers of God's people. Even when the elections have ended, my responsibility to pray has not. There is no ceasing.

Lori C.

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