Colossians 3:15 NASB Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Parents try to teach their children from a young age to “say thank you!” I remember my mom saying things like “Next time you see ____ you need to tell them thank you for ___.” I remember being a senior and my mom making sure I wrote thank you notes for all the high school graduation gifts; it seemed like that chore would never end! Somewhere along the line the idea is that we will go from being taught to say thank you, to actually being thankful!

There are many times in Scripture that we are reminded to “be thankful.” It’s not just a “thank you” that God requires, it is an attitude of thanksgiving that he wants to teach us.  So we will be “always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father.” Ephesians 5:20 NASB

Thanks for reading!



Our next daily devotional email will be Monday, November 30th, have a happy Thanksgiving!


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