In Luke 13, some people spoke to Jesus and said, “Jesus, have you heard about the Galileans whose blood Pilate mixed in with their sacrifices! Isn’t that terrible punishment! Isn’t that awful?”

Jesus turns this around and replies, “Do you think these people were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they died this way? No! But unless you repent, you, too, will all perish. Or what about those 18 people who died when the tower of Siloam fell on them? Were they any worse than the other people in Jerusalem? No! But unless you REPENT, you too will all perish!”

Repentance is a total commitment.

-A person who has really repented won’t ever ask certain kinds of questions. For example, “Now that I’ve been baptized and have my “Fire Insurance” against Hell, how can I sin to the fullest extent possible without discrediting myself as a Christian?”

-That is not repentance; that is hypocrisy.

So, now that you have your fire insurance, how are you doing with…?



I’ve wandered far away from God,

Now I’m coming home;

The paths of sin too long I’ve trod,

Lord, I’m coming home.


Coming home, coming home,

Nevermore to roam;

Open wide Thine arms of love,

Lord, I’m coming home.


I’ve wasted many precious years,

Now I’m coming home;

I now repent with bitter tears,

Lord, I’m coming home.

- William James Kirkpatrick


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