Did you ever come to class and hear the teacher say, “Put away everything but your pencil, we’re going to have a pop quiz today.” The idea was to see if you had done your assignment or been paying attention to your class work. The test was to let you and the teacher know if you were learning.

God knows how much faith I have. He knows if it’s real. I, on the other hand, am good at thinking I have more trust than I really do. 

The next day we would get our graded test and invariably my momma would ask, “How did you do on your test today?”

Job 7:17-18 "What is man that You make so much of him and that You give him so much attention and that You examine him every morning and test him every moment."

"Test him." Did you realize that God is testing you every moment of your life? The truth is that life itself is a test, and it is a temporary assignment, and it’s a trust. These are the facts of life. Every moment of the day your faith is being tested. In fact all this past week it was tested and all this next week your faith is going to be tested.

So, I have a question for you. How did you do on your test today?

Lord Jesus, this is Dennis. My saying and my doing ain’t matching up, Thank you for Your grace and forgiveness. I’m looking forward to learning how to be more like You, thanks for being so patient. I love You.


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