Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.  John 13:7

Since the sermon Sunday, I've really been pondering providence. "Throughout most of the Bible, God helped people in ordinary, providential ways rather than supernatural ones." (Robert J. Morgan)

Take Moses for example. Long before he was stretching his hand over the Red Sea and leading the Israelites across, he was delivered from death as a baby by being placed in a basket and floated down a river. There isn't anything supernatural about that, but God worked a providential miracle by placing Pharaoh's daughter in his path, and giving his sister Miriam the words to say that would return Moses to his mother. 

All of this reminds me of how I detest grocery shopping. -Stay with me here.- The only reason I go grocery shopping is because the only thing I dislike worse is being asked, "What's for dinner?" So I drag myself to the store. But can I tell you, that God has shown me His providential ways at grocery stores? By simply speaking to others, people have opened up about life. Once, a woman was arguing with her husband after she had turned her daughter in for meth use the previous day because the daughter refused rehab. We prayed right there, in the middle of Wal-mart, crying like babies. But more times than not, I 've barreled through my day and ignored many who might have needed a kind word or deed. 

Most of us can probably look back on our lives and see how God moved at specific times, but I would guess that rarely it was the way we were expecting or predicting (like, in a grocery store). The God who will deliver in His own, unique way has placed you on this earth by no accident. Someone you encounter today may be facing a Red Sea crisis. Your encounter will be no coincidence. And you might not know now, but you will know hereafter. 

Excited about His work through you,

Lori C.


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