And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: Exodus 14:15 KJV
It makes me smile when I read something God said, and it sounds like something I'd say to my kids. Only, my comment is more like, "Stop your whining and complaining and just do it!"
In Exodus 14, the Lord is instructing Moses and the Israelites to take the next logical step of faith. The waters are about to part, and it's time for them to move forward. And, honestly, when I'm struggling, taking the next logical step of faith is difficult for me. It all stems from emotions: what if I'm not supposed to do this? What if I'm reading the situation wrong? What if this is my will and not His will? 
So, if I'm going to connect the dots, I would say that most times in a Red Sea situation, a crisis can trigger emotions, which often triggers fears and then is followed up closely by doubt. No wonder we are beings of little faith!
Our faith is built by facts (the Word of God), not feelings. When I'm faced with a crisis, my goal is to ask myself, am I seeing this through the facts or through emotions? And then, I do exactly what Jesus instructs (because He ALWAYS gets it right).  Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.  Matthew 26:41
Could you imagine if all of the Israelites had their eyes closed when the sea parted? They might have missed their chance to move! 
Watching and praying,
Lori C.

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