Proverbs 119:10-11 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.  I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Many Christians of today have turned to the same problem the Pharisees in the Bible had – legalism. Legalism for a Christian is living one’s life where they follow the rules of Christianity, but they don’t have a changed heart for God. We can easily pick up our Bible and read the scriptures, but if we haven’t written the words of the Bible on our hearts, then we have sinned. God wants us to have a changed heart for Him, but we have to have a relationship with Him for that to work. Reading scripture is good, but if we depend on it to find self-righteousness instead of being made righteous in God, we’ll have a problem that only God can fix.

Ask God to help you grow in the relationship you have with Him, so when you read scriptures and commune with God daily, you don’t fall into the trap of legalism and self-righteousness.



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