Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.  Psalm 34:19

I can distinctly remember instances in my life that I've wondered how long I would have to endure a certain trial. Although I can rest assured that God is in control and the situation will pass, the waiting and enduring can be heart-wrenching.

At times like that I think of Abraham, Sarah, Queen Esther, David, Daniel and others who had received promises and yet walked their journey faithfully without knowing when deliverance would come. They made it. And in Psalm 34:19, I can cling to two promises. The first: many afflictions will come my way. That's a fact. It's in the Word. And it confirms I'm on the right path, so I'll take it. The second promise brings peace and joy as I am promised to be delivered out of them ALL! 

…in His own way

…in His own time

…for His own glory


-Lori C.


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