Luke 21:1-4  NASB  And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury. And He saw a poor widow putting in two small copper coins. And He said, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them; for they all out of their surplus put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on.”

This past Christmas my brother was confessing how during college he would convince his girlfriend (now wife) that they should exchange their Christmas gifts after they got back from Christmas break. He wanted to wait because he never had any money to buy a decent present. He knew he would get Christmas money as a gift from my parents and then he could use that money to buy a nice gift for his girlfriend! We always give him a hard time about what a bum he was in college, but I think it’s actually sweet that he would spend his Christmas money on his girlfriend. He wanted her to have the gift she deserved, not the one he could actually afford.

The widow in Luke 21 wanted to give God what He deserved, not what she could afford. And what He deserved was everything she had! She may have been scolded by friends and family for giving what little she had to the offering box, but Jesus saw her act of worship for what it truly was. May we worship Him so boldly, with everything we have!



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