And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is.  Genesis 21:17 KJV            

One minute my son, Zach, was standing next to me in the kitchen flipping bacon, the next he was lying on the floor unresponsive. In that moment and the hours to come, I let worry win. 

In Genesis 21, we see Hagar amidst a terrible situation. She has been sent from Abraham's clan to wander in the wilderness with her son, some bread and a bottle of water. And God has told Abraham to listen to Sarah and send Hagar and the boy away. With her water spent, while she is weeping, God shows up. He comforts her by eliminating her worries - providing water in that moment and a promise to be with her son for the future. 

Several hours and several tests later, we would find out that Zach was a perfectly healthy 12-year-old, and his body had reacted abnormally to a growth spurt. And my worry didn't change my circumstance. In fact, my elevated emotions made things worse and the situation more stressful. Had I only opened my eyes and seen the "water" Jesus was offering, I would've experienced the peace and reassurance from Christ that I rejected when I chose to worry.

Worry is a real emotion we are all going to experience, but I pray that in your next trial, you will realize that instead of letting worry dominate your situation, you will look for the "water" the Savior is offering you.

-Lori C.


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