II Timothy 1:7 KJV  For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

I was driving home from Tulsa last week and I couldn’t see my son in the rearview mirror because the child safety mirror in the back seat had moved. He sleeps great in the car, but every time this happens I start to get anxious that his head is drooping and what if he can’t breath and what if he’s moved to the wrong position and what if I should pull over and check and what if…? So I had to stop my anxious mind and quote II Timothy 1:7 to myself.

The devil wants us to dwell on the “what ifs.” He wants us to fear the unknown and to doubt that our God is in control. The truth is that we will face pain and trouble in this life, in spite of our faith and sometimes because of our faith (in the very next verse Paul says “be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel” II Timothy 1:7b). But God wants us to trust Him with our future, and that means not dwelling on fear, but continuing on in faith.



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