Job 1:21 NASB “He said, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.’”

My son is definitely a toddler now, no longer a baby. You know how I know? Because he can now throw fits. If I do something to make him mad, such as, take away something he wants, or close the door of a room he wants to go into, then he will wring his hands and cry, or perhaps he will put his head on the floor and really cry. But the interesting thing about him throwing a fit is that after I’ve done something to make him cry he will still come to me with his arms up, wanting to be held and comforted.

My husband and I marvel at this: shouldn’t he be mad at us? But from my son’s perspective, all the good things still come from his parents! By reading the book of Job, we know that Job didn’t think God was punishing him; he didn’t lash out at God or blame him for everything that went wrong. Because the God that allowed all the calamities to happen in Job’s life was still the God that lavished all the blessings on Him.

If you are going through disappointments, unimaginable loss or sorrows, it’s ok to wring your hands and cry! Just remember to look up to God for your comfort, He is still the giver of all things good (James 1:17).



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