Matthew 25:1; 6-13 NLT “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 6At midnight they were roused by the shout, ‘Look, the bridegroom is coming! Come out and meet him!’ All the bridesmaids got up and prepared their lamps. Then the five foolish ones asked the others, ‘Please give us some of your oil because our lamps are going out.’ But the others replied, ‘We don’t have enough for all of us. Go to a shop and buy some for yourselves.’ But while they were gone to buy oil, the bridegroom came. Then those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was locked. Later, when the other five bridesmaids returned, they stood outside, calling, ‘Lord! Lord! Open the door for us!’ But he called back, ‘Believe me, I don’t know you!’ So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return. “

I just received a “Save the Date” card in the mail from my cousin, letting me know he is getting married in April. Save the Date cards allow family and friends to make the upcoming wedding a priority. We can plan ahead and make sure we don’t miss out on the special day!

We might not know the date of Christ’s return, but we can still make it a priority and take the appropriate steps to ensure we don’t miss out. It’s important to note that the bridesmaids that missed out on the marriage feast in Matthew 25 were invited guests, not strangers. Christ has extended to each of us an invitation to Heaven. It is up to us to accept the invitation and “save the date.”



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