Psalm 119:10-11 NASB With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments. Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.

When my husband is driving and I am in the car with him and we are chatting, there is always a risk of him going into “auto-pilot” mode. That’s what we call it when he misses his exit, or turns the wrong way because he’s headed towards work, instead of where we are really headed. His “auto-pilot” defaults to the route he drives most often.

Before we come to Christ, our sinful nature is second nature and we can slip into “auto-pilot” mode heading down the road to sin and destruction. For those of us that have accepted Christ as our Savior, we have the Holy Spirit to say “You’re making a wrong turn! That’s not where we are headed.” The more we listen to the Holy Spirit and the more we learn God’s Word, then the easier it becomes to choose the right path.

If you are struggling with sin, remember, every time we choose God’s commandments over our sinful desires we are retraining our “auto-pilot” to head down the right path.



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